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Love Yourself

There are so many wonderful benefits to taking time to nourish and care for yourself.

Adopting a self-care routine into your daily and weekly life can revitalize your mental health, emotional and physical health. This helps our inner and outward selves feel more confident, relaxed, creative and boosts our productivity.

Today’s Jane’s Jam

Here are some self-care ideas that you can include to take care of yourself and build a stinger, happier, healthy you!

- Listen to an inspiring podcast

- Create your favourite meal and enjoy spending time with loved ones around you.

-Schedule “me time” for yourself each day to write, relax, and enjoy some personal space

-Include yoga or your favourite fitness activity daily and weekly

-Visit a spa or enjoy a home spa treatment

-Read an uplifting book

-Take up a new hobby

What are you doing today to show yourself some love?



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